Mobile Apps
Helpful topics and tutorials for using the free Kolekto iOS and Android apps.
Create a Kolekto Subscription from our mobile apps
Kolekto supports in-app purchases with our free iOS and Android app. Learn how to subscribe to the Kolekto service using your iPhone or Android device.
Where are my invoices for in-app subscriptions?
Get help with in-app purchasing billing and invoicing. Find out where to download and access your billing history.
Cancelling your Kolekto in-app subscription
While we're sad to see you go, we appreciate that Kokekto isn't for everyone. Learn how to cancel your subscription via the Android and iOS app.
Can I use the iOS app on Mac?
Yes! The Kolekto iOS app supports running natively on Apple Silicon chip Mac computers. Follow these instructions to install it and get started.
How to install Kolekto on your mobile device
The Kolekto mobile app is available through both the Google Play Store and the App Store on iOS. Learn how to install it on your device.
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